College student tasered at Kerry Q&A

Ok, this is a big part of the news now and rightfully so, not to be a psycho conspiracy nut but are the rights of the good old American citizens slowly being eroded. College campuses who spawned debate and forward thinking are now falling to the crush of our civil rights slowly being eroded. Now […]

Illegal Immigration debate and injustice!!

Once again we are presented with a story that cries out as just not being fair if your not from the southland (southern California) you may not have heard of this story but over the weekend a young lady was arrested after a police officer observed here beating a young man over the head with […]

Jumping Jehosaphat!

This one always gives me a good laugh turn up your sound and play close attention to the bottom left hand corner. [youtube]aIrq_wnNNnY[/youtube]