Idiots leave a trail straight to jail!!
Came across this one today and this is just rich. Two dummies decided to rob a pizza deliveryman, score one for the idiots. But in getting away with there crime the ‘rocket scientist” left a trail of chicken wings and pizza all the way to their front door, where they were promptly arrested by the […]
Phillip Garrido should have been in Jail not out to Kidnap again!!!
The story is all over the news about Phillip Garrido a convicted sex offender who kidnapped and raped a woman in the 70’s and later Kidnapped, raped and held hostage an eleven year old girl in 1991 till she was released this week at the age of twenty nine. Oh not only did he kidnap […]
No place in society for a few!
Came across this story today and sometimes this makes me agree with the people who say the world is coming to an end. Then I come back to reality and realize there are just really a small select group who are completely and utterly depraved. Case in point the following story of people who start […]