Yes We Can! Health Care Reform Is here!

Tonight, finally after a grueling election where we were asked to be more involved then ever in our life time. After a year of our first African-American president in office where we saw attacks that were so divisive, so racist, so bigoted. Where the Democrats and Independents and to a small extent Republicans who were […]

Can anyone still be taking Palin seriously?

Came across this article this morning (here) where Palin while visiting Alaska admits that she used to sneak across the border for some of that single payer health care in Alaska!! Wow this lady is something else she derides single payer as if it is the devil incarnate but she used it plenty of times. […]

Mortgage Crisis far from over

The economy has slowed down from it’s outright free-fall in 2009. Although there has not been a rebound in jobs we have seen a slowing of layoffs and a rise in consumer confidence. The remaining question out there is “Is the Mortgage Crisis Over?”. Honestly the fed is saying we are in the clear but […]