Stuck on Stupid! Breaking back into Jail!!

There is a saying “Stuck on Stupid” and this story definitely brings that to mind. A man was convicted for manslaughter with a shooting that occurred in 2007. He walked with 8 years probation (how the hell that happened is beyond me). Upon his release from jail he subsequently showed up back at jail asking […]

Yes We Can! Health Care Reform Is here!

Tonight, finally after a grueling election where we were asked to be more involved then ever in our life time. After a year of our first African-American president in office where we saw attacks that were so divisive, so racist, so bigoted. Where the Democrats and Independents and to a small extent Republicans who were […]

“Youtube Piano Chat Improv”

My girlfriend sent this to me this morning and this is classic (or as my son Kevin would say “Epic”). Some very talented people out there so now without further adieu, “Youtube Piano Chat Improv” Nuff said!