Mitt Romney’s Concession speech!

I have to give Former Governor Romney allot of credit he was really classy in his concession speech. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, my friends. Thank you so very much. (APPLAUSE) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I have just called President Obama to congratulate him on his victory. His supporters and […]

Romney Lied!

I watched the debate and I have to admit Romney won the debate he was more forceful and direct. But I also know he was lying left and right. Romney lied: When he claimed that “pre-existing conditions are covered under my plan.” They’re not. When he said that President Obama had “cut Medicare by $716 […]

47% by the numbers.

Recently a video of Mitt Romney at a political fundraiser speaking on the upcoming election was leaked. The video has caused an uproar in some and a faint wisp in others. The quote going around is There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there […]