Is Water Boarding Humane Torture?

There has been allot of debate lately as to whether the U.S. should be involved in torturing terrorist suspects. I guess there are a  few issues in my mind that would give me pause. I know how I felt on 9/11 and I hope to never feel that way again, I also know that after […]

Dubya almost gets it right!

At least Dubya is trying to get it right, not sure how many people are aware of the story of two border agents who were sentenced to 11 years for shooting  a drug smuggler in the butt. Heaven forbid that a border agent do there job and be rewarded instead we throw them in jail […]

The Republican party does not believe women can lead!!

The Republican party does not believe women can lead and here is another example, the election was not even a day old and the GOP is already throwing Sarah Palin under the bus. I told several people this would happen once McCain lost because they only chose her as VP to capture the Hillary voters […]