R.I.P. Jack Palance
Man it has been a bad month for passings today we also learned that Jack Palance passed away. Jack Palance was one of the great movie heavies of the 1950s, often cast as sinister villains in film noirs, westerns and melodramas. His impressive debut in 1950’s Panic in the Streets was followed by Oscar-nominated performances […]
“Can’t we all just get along” Again!!
Once again we have another case of police officers allegedly beating a suspect in Hollywood, CA this past August. Now don’t get me wrong I don’t believe that every instance of alledged police brutality is true but the frequency of instances is alarming. Minorities or if you want me to say it Black people are […]
Bechtel Corp. belches in Iraq
Came across this article in the the LATimes, abiut Bechtel Corp. a company that won a bid in 2003 to help rebuild Iraq. If you read the article there are some pretty interesting thinga in there the key points to me being that the contract awarded was for $2.3 billion but the promise was for […]