Real Estate Housing market continues to slide!!

Yet again to day more and more news that the US Real Estate housing market continues to slide. Today it was announced that New Century (An Irvine, CA) Mortgage lender is under investigation for helping to drive the US housing boom as a sub-prime lender. Now with many of the borrowers defaulting New Century is […]

Dewitt do we owe the pleasure?

I watched this on the news couple weeks ago and I never quite got the whole story but now I have come to find out that someone is being charged with a crime. Basically it boils down to this, miss DeWitt in the process of attempting to recall Carson, CA mayor John Dear is beaing […]

Speech By Jim Valvano

Jim Valvano won an ESPY in 1993, he proceeded to give this speech while facing cancer. He eventually died from cancer but this speech was one of the most courageous, eloquent and noble speeches I have ever heard. [youtube]3guegTUt_io[/youtube]