Can we make Capitalism Better?
I ran across this article by Bill Gates I will link to it for now and comment more later.,8816,1828069,00.html
U.S. Economy is doomed (despite what Dubya says)
For some time now I have been looking at the current economic crisis, much as everyone else. I mean it is a aspect that effects everyones life so how could we not look at what is going on. To me for some time I have considered what drives this country (capitalism) is also what creates […]
Mortgage Industry Continues to shudder!
A new report released today continues to deliver bad news for the mortgage industry and some predict the US economy in general. Foreclosures jumped 30% in the 3rd quarter, of particular interest was this paragraph: Foreclosure actions were reported on more than 446,000 properties the three months ended Sept. 30, up 30 percent from the […]