Herman Cain gets the good old boy Hit job!

Herman Cain a shocking GOP front Runner was seriously derailed this week by a mini scandal involving allegations of sexual harassment back in the 90’s when he was the President of the National Restaurant Association. The news came out that he was originally accused by one person which he absolutely denied but after much ducking […]

Political Conspiracies!

I have a number of friends who love to drone on and on about the latest conspiracy, whether it be 911, police setups, governmental weather control, area 51 cover up, masonic mason world domination or whatever your pleasure. But one that always seems to creep in is the belief that our government officials are somehow […]

R.I.P. Al Davis

Al Davis the owner and pioneer of Raider nation has died, this is a sad day for us Raider fans! Just when I thought we were starting to turn the team around too he won’t be around to see it! Al Davis, the flamboyant NFL franchise owner who brought and then removed the Raiders from […]