Ford motoring out of Detroit

Well some of you may or may not know that I am originally from Detroit, Michigan. I lived there for 3 years and I have an enormous amount of family there. Many of the people in my family work or worked for the Auto industry in Detroit. In fact my grandfather retired from Chrysler. So […] Strikes again!

Now I’m not one to knock Myspace I have met some really nice people on there but eventually I can see the government or someone stepping in cause this stuff is getting out of hand. i think there has been 3 murders as direct results of Myspace and this might have been the 4th if […]

So You Think You Can Dance!!!

Ok so I know this is in a way a knock off of “American Idol” but I really enjoy Fox’s “So You Think You Can Dance” when you get a chance check it out but it brought me to a group that is on there and their dancing is amazing so i thought I would […]